Sunday, 8 August 2010

Back to blogging...finally!

Well Faye is now six months and I am finally returning to my blog (took just a tad longer than expected). I am going to try and write on a Sunday morning, no promises mind!

As well as cooking for the family Faye is now weaning so I am conjuring up yummy meals for her too. I just love to write about cooking, read about cooking, watch people cook on the TV (Masterchef is my favourite programme) and of course COOK! Maybe I need a change in career?

My ultimate goal is to write a gluten-free cookbook, one that contains simple recipes that are usually not gluten-free (dishes that normally contains wheat or gluten). Many of the recipe books on the market are quite frankly a waste of money as they contain recipes that are gluten-free anyway. For example why do I need a recipe for gluten-free risotto when a general recipe will suffice?

Anyway my goal for the time being is to update this blog on a regular basis. 

Remember folks - these recipes are just as tasty for the wheat-eating majority and trust me, they won't taste any difference! I recently made dessert for fifty people (my sister's Silver Wedding bash) and I made all of them wheat-free.


  1. Nice to see you back Nicola. I am at the same stage with Cooper who is 7 months :)

  2. I am going to try reeeeeeeeeeaaaally hard to keep up to date with the blog. I love writing it, it's just hard finding the time!

  3. Thanks for stopping by! Of course you are most welcome to take the recipe and tweak it how you wish...I'll be interested to see how it works "gluten free".

  4. It might take me a couple of attempts to get the recipe just right! I am quite good at tweaking now, the only recipe that has me beat is scones. I have tried umpteen times and can't get them just right...I'll keep trying though!
