Sunday, 16 October 2016

EATS Challenge Number 3 - Plumping for Plums

After a fantastic Summer with berries in abundance in the garden, Autumn brought a new kid on the block...plums (and masses of them). We planted two pear trees and a plum tree three years ago and up until now the plum tree hadn't flowered. This year it well and truly made up for this and when we left for holiday in August it was laden with green fruit.

Coming home a week later I was excited to see the fruit ripen and by mid-August it was time to pick...and pick... and pick! 

In fact, there was so much fruit that I even bartered some for a bottle of wine!
So, what to do with plums? Well, a good crumble never goes amiss and plums are delicious. I also had some raspberries from the garden that I had frozen and the idea of a plum and raspberry crumble seemed even more delish!

I have a tried and tested recipe for crumble but had ready another gluten-free blog (that I really like) and the title "The best crumble you will ever eat" had caught my eye. Now I've eaten a lot of crumbles, could this statement actually be true? Well the answer is yes! The topping is not a traditional style, but my gosh it's good! If you want to try it out for yourself, here's the link. I just substituted the Italian plums for good old fashioned Victoria plums and a big handful of raspberries thrown in for good measure!

I know this challenge was about making my own recipes, but in this case "If it ain't broken don't fix it".

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