Saturday, 30 March 2013

Heinz GF Review

I was lucky enough to receive some lovely samples in the post from Heinz this week. Usually my store cupboards only don Heinz beanz and tomato ketchup so I was interested to open the box and see what was inside. I was not disappointed. 

My initial delight was at the lovely packaged 500g packet of GF macaroni pasta. Homemade macaroni is a weekly favourite in our house (youngest athlete loves his pasta on a Thursday before training). At the moment I can't see past Doves pasta (both on price and taste) however the closest thing they make to macaroni shapes is pasta shells; fine but just not the same as making gooey macaroni with macaroni pasta.

The pasta cooked like a treat and didn't stick to each other like some other GF pastas. Obviously the real testing was in the taste and it did not disappoint. It tasted the real deal and I think folks would be pushed to taste the difference between this gluten-free option and traditional dried pasta.

The next test I like to call the 'leftover challenge'. One thing GF pasta always lets me down on is if you reheat it the next day. Unfortunately they tend to dry out overnight and are OK, but not the same as the first day. This pasta is different, next day was as good (if not better) and as soft as when it was made. Well impressed! 

I need to report back on price and availability however if it meets Doves on these factors then Heinz macaroni will definitely be a welcome weekly addition to my shopping basket.


  1. Hello Nicola. I am the brand manager on heinz Deliciously Gluten Free. Thank you for your lovely review!
    To answer your question on price and availability. we are currently available in 860 tesco stores and on, and will be adding Morrisons this april / may and asda in June (we're working on the others). We have recommended a retail price of £1.80 for the pasta and £0.89p for the sauce. When I went in to Tesco i noticed that they had put it on shelf a little higher priced than that, but hopefully it will come down a bit when the other retailers come on board. (We aren't allowed to influence the retailer price). Thank you

  2. It sounds like a winner Nicola. Happy days :)
