Tuesday 24 July 2012

My girls

For as long as I can remember I've always wanted to keep chickens.  

As a child, holidays were usually spent at Annie and Jock's Farm; Templehall. Old and very dear friends of my parents, and I have so many fond memories of time spent there (a lot of them food based!)

 It was the only time I would eat fried eggs as they tasted 'different'. The reason, well an abundance of fresh eggs from the free-range chooks! I loved collecting the eggs and feeding the chickens.

For years I have talked about how different 'real' free range eggs look and taste and to be honest I don't think anyone has believed me...until now.

A few months ago we re-homed a couple of girls and it wasn't long until they started laying. They destroyed my veggie patch but the eggs are worth it (and I've since put a fence around the veggie garden). The eggs are great for gluten free cooking as GF flours tend to be a bit more on the dry side and you often have to a dd a bit more liquid to the recipe. With extra large eggs this isn't a problem.You can see from the pic on the left the difference in size and colour from the yolk. You can also see on the right how eggs differ in size when it's true free-range!

The top egg was laid by Ratchet, middle egg by Muck and the bottom egg also laid by Ratchet (I think she was having a bad day with that one!)



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